Sunday, July 28, 2019

Day 16 - Thats all folks

And so it is with great sadness that my two week tour of the UK comes to an end, although it does mean that I finally get to sleep in a proper bed, have a good long shower, and put on some fresh clothes.

Last night's celebrations continued late (well 11 is late for me...) Into the night on the beach watching the sun set and spending a final few hours with most of the team, and ended in a tent that I had foolishly pitched the wrong way round so my head was downhill all night (thankfully I hadn't had enough to drink that this was too much of an issue)

When I woke early this morning I was treated to a lovely clear blue sky and warm sun, perfect for drying the tents before leaving. I then went back to bed to doze for a bit and was awakened by an almighty rainstorm, I had clearly set my sights on a dry too tent too early. Once the storm had reduced to spitting I struck camp with the others who had also sat out the storm under cover, and once packed up we all went for one last breakfast and said our goodbyes. It's amazing how much we had all become attached to each other over two weeks, and I certainly hope to see them all again (Bike Ireland 2020...)

I boarded the coach which did it's very best to make me ill on the windy country roads for 3 hours to Inverness. There, after a two hour wait and a walk in yet another rainstorm to the shops, I hoped on the first train to Edinburgh, where thankfully the conductor didn't put up too much of a fuss about my boxed up bike that didn't fit properly in the store.

A quick rushed connection at Edinburgh carrying a bike box was less than ideal but managed to scrape on just in time, even if the only seat left was the floor. Hopefully some will be free soon and I can settle in to the 5 hour journey before Booker Taxi Co. takes me home.

After all that has happened over the last two weeks, I really can't put how I feel into words. I'm relieved to be returning to some normality, but also am going to sorely miss the friends I've made, and the freedom to ride every day. I think it will take a few days for the experience to settle in fully, but I will certainly remember it forever.

And at least for this adventure, that's all folks, over and out!

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