Saturday, July 27, 2019

Day 15 (Part 2) - Don't Stop Believing

1 Cause
2 Vehicles
5 Support Crew
12 Riders
1050 Miles of riding (at least!!)
54,000 feet of climbing

We have biked the UK for MS!! - Job Done

Today's ride was a (slightly too..) leisurely affair. The usual team, back up to full complement with Sarahs return rolled out of Betty Hill at 8:30, our latest start of the whole trip. The first section had a few "speed bumps" which certainly got the legs going. The highlight of the morning came when speedy Gonzales Henry came past and for the first time I have chase, caught and then passed on the following climb before sitting up and waiting for my gang to catch back up (he won't admit defeat, but I beat him!)

After 30 miles we caught the earlier groups at Thurso (the only thing that would class as a town up here) for a very slow Tesco cafe brunch (or an apple if you don't fancy seeing your food again). The slow service meant we didn't get back on the road for a while and by that point the wind had picked up. The others took a bit of encouragement to battle the 20mph headwind (albeit sat on my tail) for the remaining stretch.

With a few miles to go we caught the rest of the team and waited for Franz to finish taking pictures before riding in convoy to the finish where we were met by various fiends and family with huge supplies of food and drink for us.

Once the initial celebrations were over we pitched camp as the wind subsided and the sun came out, just in time to relax and let our achievement sink in. We are about to go for our celebration meal before hopefully spending our last  evening together on the beach in the sun.

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