Thursday, July 25, 2019

Day 13 - All about the climb

This morning was certainly all about the actual climb, all 1,200 feet of it in 5 miles, or more accurately 1,800 once I'd dome the second half a second time with Sophie. After such a big start to the day we cruised quite happily up the east side of Loch Ness where we were joined by the rest of the group for a much longer than normal rest stop in the sun. Once some people had dipped themselves in the Loch we motored on to Inverness for a look at the castle and a long lunch.

After a delicious, and relaxed lunch in the sun, we headed off with only 32 miles left for the day, and 3 hours to do it in before we could get into camp. However, luck was not on our, or more accurately Sarah's, side and just outside the town centre a car turned in on her, wiping her clean out. Thankfully the damage was only some bruising and grazing but that was her day over and she headed back to camp for an afternoon of recovery.

Once we left Inverness on attempt two we once again had to split to avoid angry motorists. At this point Sophie began to repay me for all the time she has spent in my slipstream this trip and she left us the ten miles to the next rest stop. 

Back on the road everyone was starting to feel the day in their legs so Danny and I decided to ride for home, but he rapidly dropped of and I was once again left with a solo 12 miles. However the appalling road surface, and grumpy motorists this was not a pleasant experience! 

Once in camp, the shower was much needed to was away both the sweat from the 28 degree heat and all the stress of the day. Let's hope the penultimate day tomorrow is more enjoyable for everyone!

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